Sunday, June 28, 2009

Some old stuff returns

Starting next week I plan to once again start up my xbox 360 achievement point updates -- titled Gamerscore Update.

I used to do this a year or so ago. They ran in weekly installsments and consisted of me talking about what 360 games I was playing and how many points I got out of them. For some games I would go in depth on how to obtain certain achievements and some easy ways to get others.

I started these off as a text only write-up. From there I moved into a video version and only ever made a few of these. I may do them again as video if I feel like it. Text is easier but video is more fun. Mabye I will do both.

I may also add in my thoughts and general opinions about non-360 games. This would cause it to be more blog like and give me a way to better put out what I'm thinking about what I am currently playing. We shall see how this turns out.

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