Saturday, June 6, 2009

E309: Trailers I Liked Pt. 2

Crackdown 2
I loved the first game, I'm sure if this one can at least be as good as the first (with or without the level of broken) I will enjoy it too. If they get the co-op fixed then I am on board 100%.

Left 4 Dead 2

When it comes to which side of the fence I'm on about being for or against this game, I'm for it. I wasn't crazy into the first game like most people. I do love it, and I can see their point, but I also know that Valve is a good company and I have a faith in them.

Project Natal

I'm okay with a controller. When it comes to my Wii and DS, I always go with just the standard control scheme. With that said, I thought officially Project Natal would not work as good as we all think -- apparently it does. And for that I am excited. Not sure if I'll use it much though.

Assassin's Creed 2
This is the game I am probably most excited about right now. Just the idea of an AC game that continues the story and fixes all the awful parts from the first game is enough.

Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker

I wasn't too big a fan of Portable Ops but I still love the MGS universe so I am looking forward to playing this.

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