Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Top Down Perspective 13/02/10

Here is the third episode of the Top Down Perspective. It is now stationed at a new website along with it's own domain account. Now you can see each episode and nothing else if you wish. Along with the new updated podcast, I have added a new sidebar widget that allows you to see some of the more recent episodes and play then from this site. Without further ado:

This week we get in deep about the new Heavy Rain demo, Nathan’s opinion of Dante’s Inferno and Jon’s list of old GameBoy games that (for some reason) he is running through. Also, we wrap up any unfinished business regarding No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle and Jon beats, once again, another game while we chat - this time Contra.

On the news side we discuss Microsoft’s X10 event. This brings up our opinions on everything from the Xbox Live Game Room to the new Perfect Dark XBLA. Dead Rising Case Zero is also discussed along with Dead Rising 2 being talked about at length.

You can access the episode here.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Top Down Perspective: 07/02/10

The second installment of my (and by "my", I mean what I'm included in) podcast The Top Down Perspective is now live. Like before, it can be found at its main page here. If you would like a direct link, here's one. And if you want a quick download to your iTunes library, well here you go. Here's a recap of the episode:
This week's episode has taken some of the feedback from the first episode to heart and is a little more structured. A smaller file, shorter length (At 1 hour 10 minutes instead of 2 hours) and just a little bit more focused (but only a bit). We're also trying out a new sound setup and meeting in person to do these, so bear with us.

This week's episode deals with the closing of the Xbox Live servers for original Xbox games, last year's top selling XBLA games and overall games, along with Project Needlemouse/Sonic the Hedgehog 4 and the new reality show on the PSN, The Tester.

As always, any questions, comments, feedback, fan/hate mail, etc... can be sent to topdownperspective@hotmail.com

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Here we go

It's live! The first episode of Top Down Perspective is now live and can be found here. I think Jon put it elegantly when describing it as such:

The inaugural episode of the Top Down Perspective introducing your three hosts: Nathan, Sean and Jon

We talk about the latest news in the gaming industry while also talking about new releases such as No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle, Mass Effect 2, and more.

Any questions, comments, feedback, fan/hate mail, etc... can be sent to topdownperspective@hotmail.com and who knows, maybe we'll read it out next time!

So go on and take a listen, or download it onto iTunes if that's your thing. Soon (as we get more episodes up) we will be putting it on the iTunes store. I hope you enjoy it.

Top Down Perspective
Here's the RSS feed (cause I know some of you like that)