Saturday, June 6, 2009

E309: Notable Mention Trailers Pt. 1

These are some other announced/shown trailers/clips from E3 that I think look cool but aren't at the top of my most wanted list.

Metroid: Other M
I really like the idea of not having Samus completely isolated for the majority of the game. I think being able to see more of her character unfold and her home world is the exact step this franchise needed.

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
Normally I am way into the latest Zelda game but I wasn't really that big a fan of Phantom Hourglass and I'm thinking this will be very similar. I will buy it for sure though.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers
This seems like it's going to be one of those FFCC games that Nintendo puts out and I completely look the other way on. At the same time it doesn't.

God of War 3 - (Demo Footage)
I liked the first few games, but still found them to be nothing amazing.

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