Monday, August 16, 2010

Gamerscore Update: 16/08/10

This week was two games mostly, however there was an extensive amount played of both of these.

Total gamerscore stands at: 72 100

I finished this game and enjoyed it vastly. I currently have 765 points in it. What really surprised me is how much I enjoyed the multiplayer as well. I was content with just running through it once and being done with it there but I heard the online was good so I gave it a chance. I really like it. So much in fact that I have almost all the class-specific achievements for the multiplayer. I have a couple more online ones to get and I think I'll just back in for a run on hard to get a few more. I might even S-rank this game.

This was a new one to me and I ran through all of it in about three days. Granted these days consisted of about 4-6 hours of gameplay straight. I got 455 points in the game and I feel I'm done with it. Like the reviews have said, it puts it best foot forward early and the AI cheats a TON. With that, there aren't many online achievements to keep me staying with it. The main ones are reaching certain ranks but with the number of games I played and where I ended up in the rankings - that's more time than I want to commit.

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