Ok. I know that was the worst title ever, but I really just wanted to get a post going about this and couldn't think of anything else to call it.
Wiifit is a game where you need to do exercises and workouts for the Wii. That's basically it. It comes with Nintendo's new periferal, the Balance Board. Which registers which way your body is leaning and what exactly it's doing.
About a week ago I wanted Wiifit a lot. I was at the point of thinking of preordering it. It just seemed really fun and I could honestly see myself doing a daily routine every morning before I showered. Though now with some of the reviews it's getting, I'm starting to think getting this game isn't the best idea. Especially for $90. Then again there's always reviews like these that make me think it will be fun.
Though with all the preorders this game seems to be getting, I might not even be able to find one when it's first out. Which will give me some more time to think and read some more reviews.
Though I find myself wondering why I want this. Working out really isn't my thing and I'm not really known to be the kind of person who is very fit or exercises regularly. Then again, maybe these are reasons I should look into this game some more? I think I'm just going to have to put some more thought into this and see what happens.
Guess I didn't think of a new title for this thing...
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