As I awoke this morning and made my way down to my basement to fire up the computer. What was waiting for me? The Wii's glowing blue light. For anyone who doesnt know what that means, I have a new message. Expecting to turn on the system and find that another one of my friends sent me a repeated "yo," I was pleasently surprised when instead of the casual name in the envelop, it was 'Nintendo'.
Like usual, they had messaged me to announce a new Wii Channel was available. As I mentioned a week or so ago, The Nintendo Channel was going to be coming out sometime this May and that is what I was being notified for.
Behind me now runs little Mario back and forth getting coins and just now hit his first block. Once again, for those of you who don't know, this means I'm downloading something off of the Wii's shopping channel.
Once I actually get some time this evening or tomorrow to play around with what this channel has to offer, I'll write up some on here.
Expect a review very soon.
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