Monday, October 13, 2008

What I did this weekend and what I played

So this weekend was all about the Grand Theft Auto IV. As you know this usually isn't my type of game and really, I can't say I was super happy about playing this game so much this weekend. I think I'm around 2/3 done and it was okay but nothing amazing to me. I think I'm sticking with Crackdown being that one game that I like most from the sandbox style games.

What did you guys play this weekend?

Today, Transformers was on, so of course I watched it (who wouldn't??) and then I realized that I needed it on DVD. This is probably where your saying "but Sean, you already own it on HD DVD!" and yes that it true. Though I wanted a copy for when I'm traveling and for my computer or the TVs in my house without my HD player. I guess when I get a Blu-ray player I'll need to get it on that too since I demand a perfect copy of Transformers.

The next thing I bought was NHL 2K7; let it be clear that I still dislike sports games. I bought it used for $3 so I thought that was a fair trade. I haven't started it yet and judging from all the games I need to get through at the moment, I won't for a bit. Man when Fable 2 gets here I'm gonna be way behind.

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