Friday, September 12, 2008

New dashboard stuff

With the new 360's new dashboard rumored to be less than a month away; Gamerscore's latest blog entry is all about some of the new features we can look forward to. They plan to do one of these weekly, and they're hopeing that they'll have enough info to make one each week. Though they state to check back regularly to learn more. Keep in mine Gamerscore Blog has recently been added to our blog feed on the side bar if you need a link.

We will try and have a breif overview of their post each time they update so that you can read what exactly they mean.

Today brings us news of the Games Played slot and how it will look and work. When you click on your gamercard you will be able to change themes, check messages, edit your avatar, manage your account, switch profiles, and of course, check your played games. The first card shown on the picture is an overall card to show the achievements you've got and your highest possible gamerscore. I'm not really looking forward to that part, i don't like being reminded that I'm not even half as good as I could have been. The next thing to take into mine is the next panels will be the games you have played, weird thing is, if you have played 500 games; you will see all 500 panels. Hopefully loading this wont be too long. Each panel will show you which achievements you have unlocked, and what's left to do.

That's all for this update. We'll let you know when they update again.

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