My first reaction to this trailer was that it revealed way too much. Not sure if this next part will be too spoilery for some but: specifically the part where he removes his mask and we learn he's also a bad guy. I don't think that was necessary to show in the trailer but maybe I'm wrong and there's an even crazier twist later on in the movie. I really hope so. I'll find out this Tuesday.
Easy A
This movie I've been looking forward to ever since I saw the trailer a month or so ago and felt a bit weird for doing so. At first glance it just looks like another shitty teen romantic comedy but I found myself getting kind of a Mean Girls vibe from it - and who doesn't like Mean Girls? Anyway, it's been getting some great reviews but I feel I'd be seeing it regardless because for some reason, I'm really looking forward to it.
This movie is not one I'll be seeing any time soon; however, that's only because there is a lot more I'm planning to see instead. If there wasn't anything coming out around this time, I'd go see it and I don't know why. This movie sounds and looks awful but for some reason I'd still like to go see it, probably cause of my love for animation....I hope.
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