Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #14
Like with TWD above, this issue stood out amongst it's previous numbers. This book seems to have finished off the current story arc and it was pretty good to see how that will end. The cliff hanger at the end was also nice and got me excited to see how things are going to play out. The one downside is that I hope things don't change drastically with this story arc's ending.
These are always exciting...right. I picked these up with some trade credit (along with pre-ordering Scott Pilgrim vs The World on BD). Along with my 400 or so points I already had on my account, I now have enough for both the new Borderlands DLC and Comic Jumper the following week.
Pick of the Week

This has probably been the issue I've enjoyed the most for the past few months. Mainly because it is starting up a new story line and it was a bit faster paced than the last few books. That isn't to say that I have been disliking these last few months of The Walking Dead, but I was starting to find it a little slow. With this issue though, I'm very excited to see where it goes from here.
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