The first question that will most likely be asked is why would I choose to review the PS3 now? The answer is that the PS3 seems to finally be picking up steam having started to beat the Xbox 360 in sales as well as some great games coming out soon (some examples include Metal Gear Solid 4 and Killzone 2). So with this knowledge of future potential and the reluctance of knowing that eventually I would have to buy a PS3 anyways I went to the local store and succumbed to the pressure of the PS3 along with the games "Uncharted: Drake's Fortune" and "Resistance: Fall of Man". I had to pick up the 40GB PS3 as the 80GB's are being phased out in place of the MGS4 PS3 coming out in later June along with the game so expect no review on the backwards compatibility.
So the first thing I did was set up my account in a mainly streamlined process that seemed simple enough and then proceeded to revel in the vast glow of what I've just decided is quite an impressive interface. For those readers unaware the PS3 has basically the exact same interface as the PSP using Sony's XMB software which I find looks a lot more unique then the 360's interface which reminds me of an older website except without the stupid gif's everywhere. I then proceeded to look through the various options which although seems kind of daunting at the time with what seems like a bunch of icons you really don't need but I guess that's alright although I'm still kinda pissed that each CD you put on it has it's own icon under the music tab but I digress.
My next goal was to set up my online account, Once again a streamlined process although the need for a number in the password is a new feature in most sites so I feel I can't bitch about it too much but dude seriously I'm not that retarded that I don't understand the process of a stronger password to protect my oh so valuable account. I then added my friend which was easy enough but he has yet to accept so I am still a lonely PS3 user (blown-speakers add me). With the basics down let's get into the games.
I guess now would be the time to discuss the controller. The first thing I truly noticed was how damn light it was, it feels like nothing (although I hear the Dualshock 3 is a lot heavier) but besides that it's basically the PS2 controller with more trigger like R2 and L2 buttons.
I first tried out Uncharted which looks absolutely amazing expect a review once I finish it but this is a review of the PS3 so this article will focus on what it can do. I'd like to state that saving is the exact same as what you do on a PSP. Once you get into the game it looks and sounds impressive, I guess this is the true power of the PS3 and so far I think it's pretty good I tried to find a section where I could use the SIXAXIS functions but the only one I could really find was when you throw grenades which was mad broken just because the time it takes to aim with the SIXAXIS will be more then enough to get taken to bullet rape town from your friendly enemies. After a bit I decided to try out Resistance to get a feel for online and hopefully some more SIXAXIS action.
My first reaction to Resistance was since when was it still normal to have a health bar in a FPS? I guess the evolution of games has slowly weeded that little gameplay idea out but I've never really realized how much more difficult games are with one, but also expect that in a review of the game. After about an hour of playing I found the SIXAXIS still used minimally which I'm debating if that is a pro or con. My basis is that over use will be seen as a gimmick but under use makes the player question why it was included so far I think they have been successful in this middle ground. The online was something I found fairly impressive mainly because within seconds (alright after a LOOOOOOONG downloading patch time) I was in a game with 40 players something I'd never experienced before. The game ran smoothly with minimum lag although I don't like how the microphone of other players blare through your speakers at a volume much louder then the game itself.
I guess that is the end of my impressions so far, some other complaints are the fact of how many damn updates they have that take forever to download as well as the other stuff on playstation store which can take a lot longer then the 360. All in all however I'm fairly impressed with the system which can also be shown by the fact my 360 has remained unplugged for the past few weeks while I have been playing with the PS3. My final judgment is this system is pretty powerful with many cool features but the games so far as mainly mediocre however the upcoming games are more then enough to entice any game player.
PS It also has a Blu-Ray player, expect a review on that once I get a movie for it.