Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I don't like Call of Duty 4

So this probably wasn't the best choice for my first post on this site, because now everyone hates me. So before you start throwing your hands in the air and going "bah!" towards this site, let me tell you: I'm not very into shooters.

CoD4 was one of the best games of last year and is still being played by many many MANY people. Especially with the new maps now out. I just don't usually enjoy shooters to much, especially first person shooters. Actually, I don't think I like the first person view at all. With that being said though, I did very much enjoy The Orange Box and found Half Life 2 very fun to play and I can't wait for the third. I'm assuming the reason I dislike shooters so much is that I might be bad at them and I'm just not playing them enough to get any better, so its an endless spiral that leads to me not enjoying myself when I'm playing a shooter. I also find the first person view to make things harder, since I can't see stuff around me. I really like being able to see what's around me, I would have liked to see the grenade fall beside me, instead of some icon saying "Dude! Grenade!" Though, I also didn't really get into Mass Effect, which was a third person shooter, though had other reasons besides, it's a shooter.

I didn't really enjoy playing CoD4 because it's just not my thing, since I'm generally into RPGs or action/adventure type things, it just doesn't fit. I prefer to be able to just mash the "Attack" button and kill things that way and do lots of damage fast, I don't really like having to line up my shots and shoot someone, who at the same time is running around shooting me. This is why I like the Metal Gear series, I could take as long as I needed to kill the guy, because he can't find me. CoD4 was just nerve racking to me since so much was going on, and at the same time, I need to slowly move my scope over to the guy who is causing havoc. Putting this and the fact I'm awful at these games together just doesn't come out good. Also, I'm into those 360 achievement points, I didn't like how there were no online achievements. Since I'm already not really enjoying this game, what on earth is bringing me to play it online?

I understand it's a good game and I can see why and why so many people like it. I'm just not one of them.

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