Saturday, August 7, 2010

Gamerscore Update: 07/08/10

Alright, another week has gone by and another week's worth of points has been gained.

Current total is 70 980. This is about 400 points more than last time, let's see where those came from.

Clash of the Titans
This game isn't that great for points, by finishing the game I got 365 points. This was around eight hours of play - and repetitive and terrible play at that. Most of the points were for just completing each of the chapters and a few were for getting some quick time events perfect a few times. Getting any more points would require some grinding with the combat. Considering that 99% of the game is repetitive combat, I couldn't come to do any more.

I only have 100 points in this so far. The majority of them seem like weapon based ones, specifically were you need a certain number of kills with each. I'm definitely enjoying my time with it so far. I also hear the multiplayer is quite fun so I'll definitely check that out at some points.

Tales of Vesperia
I finally got back into this never ending RPG. Just as fun as I remember but I still have a ton of stuff left to do in it. As it is an RPG, the points are terrible, I only got 30 since I got back into it and that was around 12 hours of game play.

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