- Black Axe 1
- Daredevil 228
- Daredevil 232
- Deathstroke the Terminator 25
- Fallen Angels 1
- Havok & Wolverine Meltdown 2 (some very nice art)
- Lost at Sea (you've already seen the picture)
- Martian Manhunter 2
- The New Warriors 29
- The New Warriors 46
- Q-Unit 1
- Superboy 64
- Superman 76
- Team One Stormwatch 1
- Turok Dinosaur Hunter 1 (pictured below because it deserves it)
- Ultraverse Prime 2
- Ultraverse Prototype 4
To add to things, I got Scott Pilgrim 1 and Lost at Sea signed by Bryan Lee O'Malley. Him being there was definitely the highlight of the entire event for me. And finding Lost at Sea, then having the cashier tell me how lucky I was to find it on his shelf for it is no longer in print, was also pretty good.
I also grabbed a free poster of the comic Read Meat. I didn't know at the time what this comic was like and after looking it up, I can safetly throw the poster away for it is terrible.
Overall the convention was a pretty fun and surreal time. I hit up two panels: one about independant comics and the other about Reboot. Seeing the fanbase that show has has inspired me to watch the series again. Hopefully I will find time soon.
And last, but certainly not least, I finally bit the bullet and purchased some Wii Points. I did this for the soul reason of buying Bit. Trip Beat after seeing the concept art for the follow up game.
I like it quite a bit but find it very hard. Though, with only three levels, I'm glad it's hard. Without this level of difficulty I wouldn't be playing this game for very long. If it did have more than three songs to it, I would have liked some more ease of game play when you first start. But for 600 points, it's really good. It involves using the wiimotes motion controls in a smart way, as opposed to a terrible way (like the majority). And it combines my love of Chiptune music and indie games. I highly await the next installment.
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