So the clock tells me it is 3:42 - in the afternoon I should add - and I have been running a download on my 360 for over 6 hours now.
Let me back up though.
Block Busters is currently having this deal where all games have a minimum trade in value of $10. This is good. This is especially good if you look at my collection of 360 games. Since I tend to stop by an EB or BBV when I'm in the area, I can usually find some crap-ass game for $5. These are games I never play again, so it's safe to say I have a pretty varied assortment of games I could bring in. My first run doing this got me $60. I have another 4 or 5 games I'd still like to bring in. I really don't want to own Bulletwitch anymore. With some of the credit I got, I picked up Burnout Paradise.
With my new game, I had set aside quite a bit of time and the majority of my night to be playing this online. I stopped playing it before when I borrow it off a friend and returned it long before the now-released DLC was even heard about. So there are definitely new experiences to be had.
Starting up my game I was alerted that I couldn't play online with the new download. So I began the download last night. I haven't played much of the game since as I only really want to play online or try out the new bikes and other add-ons. I had it going for a few hours last night and started it back up around noon today. 6 hours later, we stand at 49% completed. Great.
Assuming the download moves along as it has been for the past few hours, I should be done around 10 o'clock tonight. I will be playing quite a bit afterwards. If anyone is looking to do some of the online challenges, let me know for I will be doing a lot.
5:17 - 64%
5:48 - 68%
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