I used to do these little articles on what I have been playing on my 360 lately and I would talk specifically about my Achievement Points total, so my Gamerscore. I always enjoyed doing them and thought I would start up again.
So let's look back about one week or so at what I've been playing. Total stands at 15 135, Chris hasn't noticed noticed that I'm only 5 points behind him yet. So I played Lost Via Domus, The Orange Box, Ninety Nine Nights and DBZ Burst Limit. I think these gave me somewhere around 1500 or so since I started playing this week.
Let's get into Lost then. I'm a fan of the show, I guess this is loosely based around the show. Ok, it's like fan fiction for Lost. It basically revolves around a new guy (never in the show) who has to get his memory back. It's shows some key parts to the show but also adds some stuff, I wont ruin anything for anyone who cares about the show...or this game? My overall take on it was meh, I didn't really enjoy playing it and found it incredibly boring. I kept thinking to myself that this would have worked much better as one of those like click adventures that are on the computer alot. Anyways points wise - incredibly easy to get full 1000, so I did. There really isn't any hard ones there so it's worth a pick up if just for points only, other wise, I wouldn't recommend it, it's to boring.
Once again I've gone back to The Orange Box, if you've been following my currently playing games then you'll know I've gone back to this game over and over and over. I finally beat everything in that game. I got 84/99 of the achievements that game offers which has gotten me 705 points. This game is great, every part of it. Though near the end of episode 2, which was the last thing I needed to do, I just got really tired of it and wanted it to end. I've played that game so much now. It's not good at all for points, everything is like 5 or 10 at max, you'll only get anywhere for actually finishing stuff. So I can't recommend it on the points side, but on the actual gameside then yes, very good, go get it.
Ninety Nine Nights is another acheivement armpit. It got be 200 points, I got 2/10 of the achievements on it. The only achievements in this game are for beating the game, which sounds bad but it only takes like 2 hours MAX and that's even a slight exageration. Depends if you care about the story that this game is missing anyways. Then you have to go beat it again with the other 6 characters...ugh. So points wise it's aweful and game wise it's...mehiha so slightly less than a meh. It's a good game to have on mute while listening to like a podcast or something.
I didn't do much this week on Burst Limit. I just found that I hadn't finished the main single player mode so I did that and got another 200 or something. Overall I have 410 from it by use of 31/50 of the achievements. Achievement wise it's a meh, some are easy, some require you to be crazy. Game wise its an ok, read my review on it I guess.
So that's it for this week, I'm thinking of doing these either once a week or once every two weeks, we'll see how it goes. Back to the neverending quest for points.
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